Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has set an ambitious goal to double the state’s economy, aligning with the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. During his speech at the 7th Regional Industry Conclave, held at the University Institute of Technology (UIT) in Shahdol, CM Yadav emphasized the state’s commitment to fostering industrial growth through collaboration and innovation across various sectors.
CM Yadav expressed optimism, stating, “Under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, India is advancing economically, and we are determined to double Madhya Pradesh’s economy. The Regional Industry Conclave in Shahdol provides a crucial platform for attracting industrial investments at the divisional level. We are engaging with investors and receiving promising proposals across sectors such as tourism, health, mining, heavy industries, and MSMEs.”
Investment Proposals and Job Creation
Highlighting the success of the conclave series, CM Yadav revealed that investment proposals worth over ₹4 lakh crore have been received so far across the six previous editions of the conclave. These investments are expected to generate more than 3 lakh jobs, contributing significantly to the state’s economic growth. During the event, the bhoomi pujan (groundbreaking ceremony) for several industrial projects will take place.
Madhya Pradesh’s Focus on Global Investment
CM Yadav further stated, “Madhya Pradesh is poised to emerge as an economic powerhouse. We are preparing for the Global Investor Summit, which we hope will surpass all previous records and showcase the state’s potential.”
Event Overview: A Platform for Policy and Industry Collaboration
The 7th Regional Industry Conclave is expected to host around 4,000 participants, including more than 2,000 industrialists. The event will feature policy discussions, innovations, and direct interactions between the Chief Minister and leading industrialists. CM Yadav will also oversee the bhoomi pujan for 28 industrial projects, further cementing Madhya Pradesh’s reputation as a key investment destination.
The conclave is also a precursor to the Invest Madhya Pradesh – Global Investor Summit, a major event aimed at positioning the state as a prime investment hub, highlighting its resources, capabilities, and conducive industrial environment.
Success of the Previous Conclaves
The series of Regional Industry Conclaves began with the inaugural event in Ujjain, followed by editions in Jabalpur, Gwalior, Sagar, Rewa, and Narmadapuram.